
News, Notes & Information from BCT

News, Notes & Thoughts from Bancroft Community Transit

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"If you build it...."

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It has been quite a year for Bancroft Community Transit (BCT). A year of tremendous learning and building for sure....

We had received funding from our wonderfully supportive local Community Futures Development Corporation to complete a new strategic plan; to develop and effectively brand BCT (thanks Barb Shaw) and to create and launch our beautiful new interactive website! (thanks Kevin Mills at Cedar Gate Media).

On top of this BCT will now be accessible! Yay! Our new wheelchair accessible van will be arriving shortly and we are anxious to get going on this much needed service in our community.

But by far our biggest project this year was the construction of our new building at Bancroft's Riverside Park. BCT was thrilled to welcome 18 students from the Fleming College "Sustainable Building and Design Construction" program who came and built us a beautiful building which will house a recreational rental shop and canteen! We will be working on this very powerful community initiative with our area's youth to create employment, learning, and mentoring opportunities. Stay tuned to this blog for more information as we start to plan the next phase.

It has been a BIG year of change, positive change....and now as we embark on fundraising efforts to help pay for construction costs, and to complete our building, we invite you to be part of this amazing journey...

"If you build it....!" Few words, huge impact...! Kind of like 'BCT'... ;)


Gwen Coish,, Director


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BCT is a non-profit organization based in Bancroft, Ontario providing a door-to-door transportation service by volunteer drivers.

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  • Guest Saturday, 11 October 2014

    I am a proud member of BCT Board!

  • Guest Saturday, 25 October 2014

    I am a proud supporter of BCT~!
    This organization has been a blessing to folks of all ages living in Coe Hill~!
    Keep up the Great Work~!

    Maryann Post

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